A Day for Big City Dads – and Their Better Halves

A dad can play such an important role in his child’s life. That’s why 92Y is shining the light on fatherhood for their 2015 Parenting Conference,  Why Fathers Matter: Creating Successful Parenting Partnerships.

The event, held on Sunday, Jan 25, from 10 am – 3 pm,  is a great way to celebrate dad and learn more about what makes a family. This year’s topic is essential to a successful family–the important role dads play in the lives of their children. Dr. Michael Thompson, one of the country’s leading expert on boys, will start the day with an engaging and candid discussion on why fathers matter. Both moms and dads are welcome and will benefit from hearing the new research that is raising new questions and overturning myths. Dr. Thompson will bring years of great wisdom to such an important topic that is rarely discussed.
The day continues with experts, authors, scientists, and parents who will come together in a dynamic series of roundtable discussions with the following topics:


  • Why Fathers Matter: Moving Past Your Own Father
  • Juggling Dads: Finding Time for Work, Family and Play
  • The Science of Fatherhood: How the Research is Changing the Conversation
  • Pursuing a Parenting Partnership
“They just haven’t had many ways to connect with other fathers, or easy access to parenting expertise. We really want dads to make connections with each other. After all male bonding doesn’t have to stop once you have kids, ” says Sally Tannen, Director of 92Y’s Parenting Center. 
(This is post is sponsored by 92Y. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own.)