It is that time of year when Summer camp is almost upon us and we all know with that comes lots of fun, sun, and adventure for our children. However, did you know that camp can also be accompanied by head lice?

Contrary to popular belief, lice is not just a back to school problem. In fact, it is likely that the back to school lice epidemic is really due to untreated lice infestations picked up in Summer camps, at any age. Whether your child is going to sleep away camp or day camp, here are some simple steps you can take to help your family members stay lice free.

1) Do not wash your child’s hair daily. Lice love nothing more than a fluffy, clean head of hair so the dirtier your child’s hair is, the less lice will find it an enticing environment to live in. 

2) If your child has medium to long hair keep it up in a bun or in a braid, which will make it harder for lice to infiltrate and make a home in. 

3) Teach kids not to share personal items like hairbrushes, hair accessories, bathing caps, and swim towels. 

4) Don’t allow your kids to share ear buds or headsets, bike helmets, batting helmets, hats, or any other item that is transferred from head to head. 

5) Ask your child to try to avoid head to head contact with other kids. Lice cannot fly, but they do love to crawl, so the easiest way they can get lice is from head to head contact with their friends and other children.

 Have your child keep their personal belongings in their own bag instead of piling them loosely into a common area on top of other children’s belongings. 

7) Inspect your child’s head at least once a week under a bright light using a magnification device, and look for nits which feel like grains of sand glued to the hair. These are usually found closest to the scalp and do not move when touched. It is also smart to inspect all members of your family as lice can spread quickly.

 Ask your child not to lay down on mats, towels, or couches, and high traffic areas where other kids have laid their head. 

9) Use independently tested and verified daily lice repel products. They really work! Lice do not like the ingredients in them and will crawl on over to someone else’s head in search of a friendlier environment.

10)  Knowledge is key when it comes to lice. Know what you are looking for and don’t believe everything you read on the internet. There is a lot of folklore and myth surrounding lice, so arming yourself with the facts is half the battle when it comes to effective lice prevention and lice treatment. 
 If your child does pick up lice at camp it is truly not the end of the world, so don’t panic. Find a natural enzyme based lice treatment product that is pesticide free and safe for daily use, and purchase a good, sturdy metal nit comb that is reusable.


Image via Flickr User Nerissa’s Ring