Did You Know Air Pollution Isn’t Just an Outdoor Problem?

Your baby makes their way into the world, and as far as parents know, is instantly confronted with dangers at every turn. You spend hours planning out organic meals, stocking up on natural skincare products and researching that perfect, green certified mattress so baby sleeps easy. In all the chaos, however, the thing most often overlooked is making sure that the air they breathe inside of your home is safe as well.

I Don’t Force my Kids to Hug. Here’s Why.

If you’re a parent of young kids, the following scenario might be all too familiar to you: You’re at the grandparents’ house, or a playdate or family are over, and it’s time to leave. Your kids get their shoes on, help straighten up whatever crazy disaster they’ve made of the house, and you’re ready to … Continued

Dad’s Don’t Babysit. We Parent

When I get home at the end of a long work day, and my wife is at her wit’s end because the kids have not stopped fighting, I’m not there to “help with the kids.” I’m there to parent.

My First Experience of Fatherhood Was Loss

It was like someone had crawled into my soul, beat it within an inch of its life, and left it to die. I was numb. I had no reaction, no words, honestly, no feelings. I was completely numb.