For nearly ten years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that not to turn a child’s car seat forward-facing until at least age two, but not all parents are aware of or following that guideline. Last year, Chicco, makers of the beloved KeyFit 30 infant car seat, created TurnAfter2, a national movement that aims to educate moms and dads on the importance of keeping their little ones rear-facing longer, and encourages them to celebrate and share their efforts on social media using #TurnAfter2.
Those efforts have made a real difference: a new study from Chicco reveals that in just one year, 26 percent more parents are aware of the 2-year rear-facing car seat safety recommendation.This year’s TurnAfter2 study also explored parent’s resources for safety advice:spoiler alert, it’s the pediatrician who is the go-to source for info on a child’s health and well-being with more than seven-in-10 parents talking to their pediatrician about when it’s right to turn their baby’s car seat around. And, most parents believe you can never be too careful – the survey revealed that eight-in-10 parents admitted they go online to do additional research AFTER getting advice from a pediatrician. That’s where #TurnAfter2 comes in!