This year, as Mother’s Day approaches, my thoughts are turned increasingly to my own mom. On countless occasions, now as a mother myself, I see my mom in me, more and more, and for that and her, I am so grateful. Mom, thank you for everything you taught and continue to teach me. Mom, I am a better mom, and a better person, because of you.
Lessons from my mother
Character Counts. Day in and day out, in big situations and small ones, my mom showed me character counts. Be honest, have integrity, show respect to all and stick to your word. I vividly recall the rides to school in seventh and eighth grade with my mom—a segment on the radio came on every morning with Michael Josephson where he’d share a story about characater-defining situations. He’d close each segment with, “This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.” I especially love this quote from Mr. Josephson, “People of character do the right thing even if no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world.”
Love unconditionally. Even through the ups and downs of the teen years, including bad decisions and being irresponsible at times, my mom truly showed me what unconditional love meant. Even now, I know I can call her at any hour of the day and get judgment-free advice or even just a listening ear, and not worry about her loving me any less. My mom is my rock. I hope I can be that to my kids, too.
Always be kind. My mom is one of the friendliest people I know. What’s more—she’ll drop everything to help you out in a bind. And that goes for anyone—not just her kids. She brings meals to those who are sick, visits those who need comfort or company, proofreads essays and applications for neighborhood kids applying to college, and the list goes on and on.
Never stop learning. My mom loves to learn. She earned a master’s degree while working full-time, raising five children and attending night classes. She is also a student of life, if you will, in that she is constantly reading, studying and learning new things. Her desire to learn is contagious, and I owe my passion for education to her. I hope I can inspire my kids the way she has with me.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Thank you for everything.
Love, Jane
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See more musings on motherhood, life and kids on my blog — xo, lauren and jane.
Photo courtesy of xo, lauren and jane