August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month. In celebration of the month, we will be hosting a Twitter chat along with Philips AVENT and Nicole’s Nickels. We’ll be there to share personal breastfeeding stories, breastfeeding tips & tricks, and more! Philips AVENT has over 30 years of listening and learning from parents and healthcare professionals and will highlight products that can play an essential role in the process.
We’d love for you to join in on the chat for some great conversations about breastfeeding and prizes!
Twitter Chat Details:
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Time: 8-9 PM EST
Hosts: @bigcitymoms, @nicolesnickels, @AVENT_us
Hashtag: #AVENTparents
3 Philips AVENT prize packs will be awarded throughout the chat!