Share Your #Mamalogues moments


New Babies Hear Love Letters From Their Moms

Mom intuition is real. We teamed up with Philips Avent to celebrate the magic power of moms! Share your favorite mom moments below! 💌 #mamalogues #sponsored

Posted by SoulPancake on Friday, May 11, 2018


The bond between a mom and her baby is extremely powerful – it’s a deeply emotional connection that’s strengthened over time. As mom listens to her baby, she discovers unique movements, sounds, and sights that tell her everything she needs to know on how to take care of her baby. That cozy snuggle when holding baby just right. That light that flickers in baby’s eyes when he smiles at mom for understanding. That ‘milk coma’ after a good feed. Parenting can be challenging at times, but those precious moments make it all worthwhile.

Philips Avent teamed up with SoulPancake to create this video that hinges on celebrating mom and baby’s special dialogue, and they’re asking moms to tell their own mamalogues – sharing stories about the magic moments between mom and baby that were made possible thanks to her instincts and special intuition.

This video got me thinking and reminded me of what I would call my “secret language” with my oldest daughter, Delilah, when she was a baby. It was moments like when she would cry a certain way when she wanted to nurse, her fuss-face when she was ready to pass out and her tushie-dance when she was ready to play. No one else seemed to pick up on those cues but me. Maybe it’s because we carry our babies around for nine+ months, maybe it’s the constant attention all moms give their babies, or maybe it’s all of the nurturing time that we spend together for the first year++.

Delilah is not a baby anymore and her actions and features have certainly grown with her, and she’s developed even more. These cues don’t stop though and I hope they never do – I always want to be there for Delilah.

I asked my colleagues to share their mamalogues and this is what they had to say:

I will never forget the feeling when the doctor placed my first newborn baby onto my stomach, right after coming out of my body and still covered in birthing fluid. It was actually scary and overwhelming. I looked down at him and thought, ‘What now?’ How do I care for this innocent little boy who is looking for me to comfort him, nourish him, and raise him into a good human being?” I wasn’t even sure how to hold him! But within seconds, it was like a switch went on and I scooped him up, welcomed him into the world, and I just knew – in that moment – that I would be strong and do anything in the world for him. All of a sudden everything was no longer about me or my husband, it was about him. We were starting this journey together as a family, and I knew that I would always be there for him, no matter what. I am happy to say, while I was not always a perfect mom, I helped form him into the smart, caring, strong and wonderful young man that he is today. And now, the only overwhelming feeling is the pride I have for the amazing man that stands before me. –Doreen C.

The power of mother’s intuition has always fascinated me. After a late-night feeding, I fell asleep with my daughter on my chest. She must have rolled off of me because when I woke up, I was holding her with one arm off the side of the couch and she was still sleeping! Just like the moms mentioned in the SoulPancake and Philips Avent video, mom always just KNOWS! –Jessica L.

As a first-time mom with my now 2-year old son Gabriel, I always had a fear that I wouldn’t be the “natural mom-type.” Whether that be holding him correctly or rocking him to sleep, I was afraid that I couldn’t offer him comfort or peace when he needed it. After giving birth, I quickly learned that it wasn’t necessarily something I could learn from watching any other mom. Once he was in my arms, it was something that developed on its own and it somehow felt so natural to me. He was my son, and I knew just what to do. I could sense when he was uncomfortable and I suddenly was the one who knew exactly how to hold him, rock, sway, pat or even dance with him in that moment to bring him back to being content. Despite thinking I didn’t have it in me, I think it is in all of us, who are lucky enough to experience motherhood. –Olivia M.

Share your #mamalogues moment on your social media feed — we can’t wait to read it!