Tips to Relieve Eczema + Twitter Chat!

October is Eczema Awareness Month and in honor of the month we have partnered with Eucerin to host a Twitter chat to engage new and expectant parents on the in’s and out’s of baby eczema, focusing on the environmental triggers, natural remedies, and anti-inflammatory foods that can prevent flare-ups.

During the Twitter chat we will be joined by special guest, Keri Glassman, nationally recognized celebrity nutritionist, registered dietitian and healthy cooking expert to discuss the little changes parents can make to combat eczema. We hope you will join us on Wednesday, October 22 at 7 PM EST. Use the hashtag #EczemaRelief to follow along! 

With the weather cooling down, this is the time of year that our skin is the most dry. If you or your little one suffers from eczema, the flare ups can be both painful and itchy. Keri Glassman gives us her tips on how to soothe your skin skin back to comfort! 

At-Home Remedies

Keep your body and mind happy

Ever wonder why they call it the runner’s high? When you engage in exercise you actually release endorphins, which have been proven to not only stop the perception of pain (especially from that itchy eczema burn), but can also boost your mood.

Put stress on the back burner

Eczema flare-ups have been associated with anxiety and stress. Researchers have found that an eight week meditation program helped participants manage and become less reactive to stress. What’s even more exciting? Health benefits can kick in with as little as five minutes of meditation practice. Want to try meditation yourself? Start by inhaling for a slow count of eight, hold, and then exhale for a count of eight. Continue for a total of eight minutes.

Relax with a nice cup of tea

Drink black, green or oolong tea to help you relax and relieve eczema symptoms. Try to drink at least two cups each day.

Moisturize dry, skin regularly

Apply moisturizers at least twice daily, especially before and after bathing – it’s the best way to keep eczema under control. For the most protection, use thicker creams with natural ingredients, such as Eucerin Eczema Relief products, to help seal in your own skin’s moisture.


Eczema-Friendly Foods

The secret superhero

Antioxidants have the superhero ability to protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which can damage cells and may contribute to inflammation. Fruits and vegetables contain the most abundant antioxidants of all foods, so aim to eat five servings every day! You’ll also find antioxidants in nuts and seeds, legumes and herbs and spices.

Stay away from common allergens

Research has found that having allergies may provoke an eczema breakout. Common foods that cause allergic reactions include: dairy, soy, citrus, peanuts, wheat, fish, eggs, corn and tomatoes. Contact a registered dietitian to learn about an elimination diet and see an allergist who can assist you in identifying the exact problem.

Fat is your friend

Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish and fish oil, have been linked to fighting inflammation, a key component in the cause of eczema. It can also be found in walnuts, hemp seeds, flaxseeds and fortified eggs.

Go whole grain

Whole grains are an important part of any diet because they contain the entire grain in its natural state and give us the minerals and vitamins our bodies need. Whole grains also have a number of health benefits including staving off inflammation, the very cause of eczema. Some whole grain superstars include barley, amaranth and teff.

Kick sugar and fried foods to the curb

Consuming refined carbohydrates and sugars (such as juice, soda, candy, baked goods and white processed breads and pastas) and fried foods contribute to inflammation in the body, often a culprit of eczema flare ups!

Supplement your diet

Adding supplements, such as probiotics, Vitamin C and bromelain, to your diet may help relieve the symptoms of eczema. Probiotics are the “good” bacteria, found in yogurt and kefir, and help the body produce white blood cells and antibodies that protect you from allergens. Vitamin C and bromelain (found in pineapple) are natural antihistamines, helping reduce inflammation.


About the Baby

Introduce solid food slowly

One of the biggest contributors to eczema are food allergens. So, it’s important to make sure your child doesn’t have any. The easiest way to find out if your child has allergies is to introduce new foods one at a time. Spreading out the introduction of foods can help you single out exactly which food is causing a reaction.

Wash and dry your baby

Weekly baths can help prevent flare-ups. Daily, cleanse your baby’s skin with Eucerin Baby Cleansing Relief Body Wash and for an extra layer of protection, moisturize with creams, such as Eucerin Baby Eczema Relief products, within three minutes of bathing. And, don’t forget the elbows and knees – it’s the itchiest spot for those babies on the move.

Develop a good hygiene routine for your baby

Make sure that your baby doesn’t have long fingernails. When your baby has short fingernails, they are less likely to scratch and puncture the skin. It also decreases the likelihood of bacterial infection in the skin.

Breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding not only provides the vitamins and minerals your baby needs, but also offers immune factors (IgA) that reduce potential allergic responses. The lower the allergic response, the less likely your baby will develop eczema.

(This post is sponsored by Eucerin)