Getting Organized for Your New Addition

Preparing for a new baby can be very exciting – but it can also feel overwhelming. Hormones and anxieties aside, it’s hard to wrap your head around the growing to-do list and the seemingly endless amount of stuff you need for your baby-to-be. And how on earth is it all going to fit in your … Continued

Summer Day Camp FAQs

With all the options in the Tri-State area, selecting a summer camp can seem overwhelming. We asked summer camp expert Jill Tipograph, CEO and founder of Everything Summer, to help us shed light on the process for the younger set. Jill answered our top questions about summer day camps below. Q: What should I look … Continued

Using Time Outs

Time-outs are one of the most used and often misused tools in the parenting toolbox. The most popular misconception is that time-outs are used as a form of punishment (i.e. “If you don’t stop hitting your brother I’m going to put you in a time-out.)” But this can actually encourage misbehavior by giving attention to … Continued

10 Ways to Encourage Musical Development

Incorporating music into your child’s life at a young age is easy and extremely beneficial to healthy child development. Music can positively influence your child’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social growth in many ways. You don’t have to be a musician to give your child everything he or she needs to experience the benefits music has to … Continued

The Mystery of Sharing

Multiple kids means multiple toys and usually multiple battles over who gets to play with what. We wanted to minimize the battles and learn how to encourage our children to take turns with their stuff. “Please share!” These are words that seem to be the battle cry of parents everywhere. No matter how often they … Continued

Surviving Toddler Temper Trantrums

So your previously delicious angel has turned into a screaming, biting, head banging, little trouble maker. Here is the good and the bad news. As children become more secure with their attachment to their parents they begin exploring their environment wanting independence. The good news is that as your child pushes him/herself to do more … Continued

Developmental Milestones – Toddler Aged

Developmental Milestones: 24-36 Months Parenting Weekly During the toddler years, development milestones will vary widely from child to child. Unless your toddler lags in several areas or is more than a few months behind in any one area, there is little need for concern. Also remember that premature babies may reach milestones slightly later than … Continued

The Pre-School Process/NYC Preschool Tips

NYC Pre School Tips Timeline: Summer before you will begin the application process (for the year before your child begins school) Research stage: Read books about schools (for example: Victoria Goldman’s Manhattan Guide To Pre-Schools and Clara Hemphill’s New York City’s Best Public Elementary Schools (some have pre-Ks) ) Join the Parent’s League and read … Continued

5 Things I wish Someone Told Me Right After I Had a Baby

1. Immediately it’s all about the baby. For nine months, you lived in the special club of pregnant women. It was all about you. People constantly asked how you were feeling. People who did not even know you saw you, glanced at your belly and smiled. Strangers asked “when are you do” as if they … Continued

How to Get Involved: Pregnancy and Beyond

Many expectant fathers mistakenly believe that their role in their child’s life doesn’t really begin or matter until he or she is about two years old and is walking, talking and can play interactively. However, the father-child bond can begin the moment you learn your partner is pregnant and only increases in importance and impact … Continued

Dealing with Insomnia

Rachel, our 11-month-old, is now sleeping (mostly) through the night (yes!). But I’m not. I fall asleep OK, but wake around 3 or 4 am (when Rachel used to), toss and turn for a few hours, and then maybe get another hour of sleep before the alarm clock goes off. It’s common for a mom … Continued


I am frequently asked the following question: “I/we’ve decided to adopt. We have no idea what to do—where do we start?” Here are some suggestions on how to get started from An Infertile Blonde who’s been down the Adoption Road twice. Tell as many people as you can about your plans. First of all you’ll … Continued

Top Tips for 2nd Time Moms

DON’T’ SHOOT FOR 50/50: Many moms of two envision trying to split their time equally between their first born and their newborn. This simply is not a realistic expectation. The reality (and research shows this as well) is that if you spend 20% of the tie with your newborn (mostly feeding, changing, and some swaddle … Continued

Safety Tips for New Parents

Baby Proofing Your Home By: James Hirtenstein, Owner of Baby Safe Every time I walk into the home of new parents I am asked the same question “What are the most dangerous areas?” Well, if each apartment, home, loft or dwelling was exactly the same I would have an easy answer. Unfortunately, each home is … Continued