Road Trips, Before and After Kids

Road trips home are necessary, but they’re also stressful, take way longer than predicted, and, they mean I’m missing out on work.

Why We’re Opting Out of the Overscheduling Competition

When the conversation inevitably turns to a detailed rundown of all their children’s activities, sports, and lessons, I nod my head in what I hope is a sign of empathy and understanding. But the truth is, I don’t chime in on those conversations, because my kids aren’t in any activities of any kind.

Why I Ignore the Miscarriage Stigma

I was shocked, disappointed, and sad that the baby we’d envisioned wouldn’t be arriving. But I also suffered another loss— that of my credibility.

The 45th Biggest Baby Shower: New York City

On Wednesday night, November 8th, Big City Moms celebrated our 45th Biggest Baby Shower in New York City. Thousands of expectant and new parents checked out the latest and greatest from our favorite companies.

4 Ways to Instill Gratitude in Your Kids

With the holidays fast approaching, instilling gratitude is more important than ever. I want my kids to focus on how much they have to be grateful for, not how much shiny new stuff they “need.”

We Switched to this Simple Holiday Gift Plan and We Love it

A couple years back, mostly out of necessity, my wife and I instituted a plan we came across. This plan has allowed us to teach our kids about gratitude, help them combat materialism, all while still giving them what I hope is a magical Christmas season.