I Threw My Own Baby Shower

It was small, simple, and very casual but that’s exactly what I envisioned. I solely wanted to feel the support and excitement of a new baby coming, as every mom does regardless of their family size.

Moms, it’s OK to Look Forward to Weaning

I’m ready to not be the only parent on duty for nighttime wakings. I’m ready to wear what I want without taking into consideration whether or not he’ll have easy access to milk. I’m ready to have a little more say over who touches me and when.

My Kids Stay Up Later Than Yours

All in all, I’m happy with our families’ schedule and I’m sharing because I know sometimes it can be hard to admit that you’re a mom who lets her kids stay up.

7 Reasons Toddlers Are Awesome Human Beings

There is no denying that parenting toddlers is hard work. In the chaos of our day-to-day lives at home with kids, let’s be careful to remember just how rewarding caring for these amazing human beings can be.


NECBB is dedicated to the preservation of life for you and your family. Your baby’s umbilical cord blood and cord tissue stem cells hold the potential to fight a range of diseases and we’re here to help you collect, safely store and gain access to those stem cells should a life-threatening condition arise. As science … Continued