Ten Myths About Breastfeeding: What’s normal, what’s not and when to get help

1. Breastfeeding should come naturally. Though biologically natural, breastfeeding is actually a learned behavior. Like any other new skill, it may take time, practice, patience, and persistence to master. It can be quite frustrating at times. And during the already emotionally fragile period after having a baby, it’s even more difficult to cope with frustration … Continued

Be My Valentine…And Look the part!

With school aged kids – its hard to not get into the spirit of every Hallmark Holiday….As Valentine’s Day approaches – it seems to be all that my daughter talks about – it’s a nice distraction from her constantly asking to get her ears pierced! I’ve been hunting for some cute Valentine’s Day theme clothes … Continued


Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or maybe in new baby chaos) lately, the scary state of our environment is a topic constantly in the news. We can all do our part in sharing the existing resources that our planet has to offer as well as limiting new unnecessary purchases, but the reality is … Continued

Yoga Poses for Expecting Moms

Pregnancy is a very transformative time in a woman’s life, both mentally and physically. It’s a busy time – filled with doctor’s appointments, anxiety, excitement, fatigue, new aches and pains, and a rapidly growing belly and shifting center of mass. It’s a period when balance, both mentally and physically, becomes difficult. I found that keeping … Continued

Combating Constipation: How to eat your way to comfort

Constipation is a common woe for pregnant women and non pregnant women alike. Not only is it generally widespread in our society, but during pregnancy hormones and the expanding uterus cause decreased bowel activity and tone. Constipation can come with a variety of ailments including indigestion, headaches, nausea, skin issues and poor mineral absorption. In … Continued

My Baby Hates Tummy Time!

So, you’re sitting in a big circle of moms, all with babies the same age as yours, and the class leader asks, “how many babies in here hate tummy time?” You’re surprised and secretly relieved to see that all but one hand goes shooting up and heads start to nod vigorously. Ohhhh, so it’s not … Continued

How Many People Does It Take To Make A Baby?

Teamwork Pop Quiz: How many people does it take to make a baby? Answer: For the fertile people out there who may miss out on reading blogs such as this, the answer would be two — one man and one woman having sex together. (If you’re into something else here then more power to you … Continued

the never ending school lunch dilemma

This year marks the first year that I have to make my daughters lunch for school. I have to admit, I was a little obsessed with finding the perfect lunch box that that my daughter would love and not scream “princesses” and also be functional and keep her lunches in tact and cool as her … Continued

Ways to Promote Speech & Language Skills – 12 – 24 months

When your child reaches 12 months of age, they are officially a toddler! At this point, your child is most likely sitting up and crawling. They may even be pulling themselves up to stand by grabbing your hands or an object. And ultimately, they will start walking within this time period, which means increased exploration … Continued

Ways to Promote Speech & Language Skills – 24 – 36 months

Most people refer to this stage as the “terrible twos”, but we as speech therapists love the stage from 2-3 years old because children exhibit a huge burst in their language development! During this period, your children will also begin toileting, feeding themselves with a spoon and fork, and dressing. Cognitively, their problem solving skills … Continued


WHERE TO FIND A CAREGIVER: Accredited nanny agencies are a great resource – make sure they are licensed, bonded and remember to ask how they screen their candidates. REFERENCES, REFERENCES, REFERENCES: It is extremely important to make sure you know the work history of the candidate you hire. The agency you deal with should be … Continued

11 Indoor Activities for Kids

Winter can sometimes feel like it drags on forever becuase the cold weather keeps us from going outside. While most of our children can bear the cold weather better than we can and could spend all day at the park in the cold, sometimes it’s the safest to stay inside during those frigid temperatures. But … Continued

KEEPING the Winter Weight OFF

Ok, so you said you wouldn’t let it happen again this year, but those extra holiday inches found their way to your waist. An extra drink here, a few meals out there, a few bites of treats around the office: It all added up! Now it’s the New Year: You are focused, dedicated, sick of … Continued

5 Tips for Feeding the Picky Toddler

Getting toddlers to eat a variety of nutritious food can lead to battles at every meal. While exhausting, it is also a great opportunity to build good nutritional habits at a young age. Starting from the very first spoonful, it is important for babies to experience a healthy relationship with food. Here are five tips … Continued